Monday, May 12, 2008

Today's Random Depictions of Jesus

Admit it. Somewhere, in the stale recesses of your mind, you knew all along that Jesus of Nazareth packed one hell of a hadouken:

Ninja Jesus

Maybe you didn't know that Jesus was also very skilled in the art of the short sword, but that shouldn't surprise anyone who's familiar with this t-shirt:

Okay, so you didn't play Dungeons and Dragons as a kid. Neither did I, so I found this one more interesting:

No? Hmmm... okay, how about:

This one even has a backstory:

The Attack of the 500-foot Jesus will begin on a Tuesday, not far from the Independence, Missouri bus stop you normally pass on your way to work. At approximately six seconds past six minutes past six hours into the day (that's 06:06:06, derived from the number of the beast), 500-foot Jesus will rise from the depths of a nearby underground train station, cracking the ground as He rises up. He will carry two train carriages all the way to downtown Kansas City; the carraiges[sic] which will then be thrown into the two tallest buildings in the vicinity.

So there you go.

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