Saturday, May 17, 2008

Some Reasons Why Bunnies Are Funny (Honey)

I like rabbits for a variety of reasons. They're usually quite skittish little creatures, which makes sense given that they've been hunted by a multitide of predators for thousands of years. However, if you're one of the kind, eccentric souls that adopts one as a pet, you'll discover that, over a period of a few years, they tend to mellow out a bit, sometimes to an unnerving degree:

If you feed them sweet things (such as papaya), they will often reward you with a random happy-dance or two:

In addition, rabbit jumping is, apparently for some, a professional sport:

And, if you're ever in doubt, just throw a chicken into the fray:

But if you ask me, the #1 source of rabbit-derived amusement is to just watch them hop around aimlessly, stopping at random intervals to do nothing at all, only to resume the hopping in a completely different direction some time later:

Ah, if only my girlfriend weren't allergic to the little buggers, my living room might look like this:

In the end, I may have to compromise and settle for an outdoor rabbit: